Stair Lift Guide

Our Guide on How to Choose a Stair Lift

High End

On the upper end of the range you will find models designed to blend into your home’s decor like fine furniture. They have custom color upholstery and leather fabrics, extra safety and ease of use features like one motion folding and unfolding, power seat swivel, and automatic folding rails where needed.

Low End

At the lower end of the price range you may find one of the better models available in a reconditioned version. Brand new stair lifts at the lower end of the price range can provide basic transportation up and down your stairs, but lack comfort and ease of use or safety features you may want. Of course the difference in quality and durability varies.

Stair lift with landings, pie shaped steps, or curved shapes.

Stair lifts designed for straight stairs may not work for your more complex stairs. We can still help you get where you want to go! We have models available that are designed to work on nearly any type of stairs. They are typically called curved rail, or custom rail, stair lifts.

At first glance, the price for a custom made stair lift may seem like more than you wanted to spend. But they are still very affordable and convenient when you consider the cost and hassle of alternatives like packing up all your belongings and finding another place to live. They can be installed in your home in one day, and there is no construction or remodeling needed!

Most common is a basic 90 degree configuration. Various options are available for extra or unusual bends, and for longer travel. We’ve installed models that travel from the basement level of a townhouse spanning FIVE flights of stairs reaching the bedroom on the top level – all in one trip! Of course you could stop at the garage or kitchen level on the way up.